Guilin Railway Station

Guilin has Guilin Railway Station (commonly known as "Guilin Station") and Guilin North Railway Station, which the former is the main passenger station. You can take bus No.1 (6:00-22:30), No.32 (6:50-22:00) and No.100 (06:00-22:30) between the two train stations. Visitors to the Longji terraces can take the No. 1 bus to Qintan Bus Station.

High-speed Railway and Guiguang High-speed Railway will connect Guilin with the national high-speed rail network. It will take 2 hours to Guangzhou, 10 hoursBeijing, 2 hours to Changsha, 2 hours to Guiyang. It is expanding to form a complete transportation network in Guilin, and Guilin will become an important transportation hub city in South China and Southwest China.

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